We are Creedal Christians
As Anglicans, we uphold The Nicene, Apostles', and Athanasian Creeds as basic statements of Christian belief. These ancient creeds form the foundation of our beliefs and guide our worship.
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What do Anglicans Believe?
Check out what Anglicans have historically believed. Many people wonder what Anglicans believe and assume many different things. Here we have listed some points for you.
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The Anglican Way
Anglican spirituality is a way of life rooted in the historic Book of Common Prayer, and based on three primary practices: weekly Holy Communion, Daily Office, and private devotions.
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Remember Christian Soul
That today and every day you have
God to glorify.
Jesus to imitate.
Salvation to work out with fear and trembling.
A body to use rightly.
Sins to repent.
Virtues to acquire.
Hell to avoid.
Heaven to gain.
Eternity to hold in mind.
Time to profit by.
Neighbors to serve,
The world to enjoy.
Creation to use rightly.
Slights to endure patiently.
Kindnesses to offer willingly
Justice to strive for.
Temptations to overcome.
Death perhaps to suffer:
In all things, God's love to sustain you.