The Christian Creeds
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Is Jesus a created being? *
A) Yes
B) No
Are Jehovah's Witnesses / Mormons considered Christians based on Biblical doctrine? *
A) Yes
B) No
Can someone decide to believe in God on their own? *
A) Yes
B) No
Which Old Testament prophet prophesied the exact birthplace of Jesus? *
A) Jeremiah
B) Micah
C) Ezekiel
D) Isaiah
E) Daniel
What council was called in 325 AD to address the Arian controversy? *
A) Council of Chalcedon
B) Council of Jerusalem
C) Council of Constantinople
D) Council of Nicaea
E) Council of Ephesus
D) What is the Arian controversy?
Is it necessary to have a understanding of the historical context of Christianity to effectively impart its teachings, ensuring alignment with past doctrines and principles? *
A) Yes
B) No
C) All I need is my Bible
Do you hold the belief that the Holy Spirit is guiding you to impart teachings or embrace beliefs that run counter to the revelations previously imparted to the faithful? *
A) Yes
B) No
Do you think women can be pastors over a local church? *
A) Yes, I'm a male
B) Yes, I'm a female
C) No, I'm a male
D) No, I'm a female
Can you trust experiences in a church to determine if it's a solid church to attend? *
A) Yes
B) No
When a person receives baptism, is it a work of the person receiving it or of God? (Baptism as Jesus instituted in Mark 28:19) *
A) Person
B) God
C) Baptism is pointless
Is gathering with a body of believers for worship a good and true thing one must do? *
A) Yes
B) No
C) I am the church
Do you need to spend time reading the Bible daily? *
A) Yes
B) No
C) God tells me what I need to know
Do you believe that as a Christian all you need is Jesus and don't really need to be involved in a local body? *
A) Yes
B) No
Pick *
A) Saved by Grace through Faith
B) Saved by Grace through Faith, but work to keep God pleased in you
How does the Bible explain baptism? *
A) Symbolic or an Act of Obedience Only
B) Regeneration / Forgiveness of Sin
How does the Bible talk about Lord's Supper? *
A) Symbolic
B) Truly Presence, Forgiveness of Sins
C) it's only a memorial of the death of Christ, nothing more
Is a baptism valid if received as a young child or Infant? *
A) Yes
B) No, Must be baptized again
C) Yes, young child / No infant
D) Only young adults receive Baptism after showing faith
Does the Book of Acts teach speaking in unknown tongues? *
A) Yes
B) No
God is three persons but one God. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. *
Is this a true statement: One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism *
A) True
B) False
Do lost people search for Christ? *
A) Yes
B) No
Does God need us for anything? *
A) Yes
B) No
Is Jesus God? *
A) Yes
B) No
The Bible is the word of God *
A) Yes
B) No
Is the age accountability doctrine taught in scripture or historically? *
A) Yes
B) No
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